Finding the right moving and storage solution is important. 37 percent of Americans have never moved away from their hometown according to the Pew Research Center, but those may be the lucky few who have never needed to move due to family, employment, or opportunities that may only exist in other cities. For the rest of the 63 percent , moving may be a fact of life, and finding the right moving and storage solutions is a part of the picture. The migration rate, taken on an annual basis, was a steady 20 percent in the 1960s, but is currently at 11.9 percent . Less people are moving, but that does not mean that you may not need the services of long distance moving companies or self storage facilities when the time does come to relocate.
Before you move, there are some things that you will want to consider, such as the cost. You can use the services of an online calculator to get an estimate of what your long distance relocation will cost, which can be a good way to know what your moving and storage budget will be. You can also factor in ideas such as moving pods if you want to save on both your moving and your storage expenses, or you can look into other moving storage solutions that may exist in your area. There are some tips which can make your moving and storage easier as well, such as making sure to arrange for your moving solution at least a month before your scheduled relocation, and making a list of everything that will need to be completed before that day arrives. You should schedule a turn off day for your utilities as well, preferably one day after your scheduled relocation, and have the utilities turned on a day before you arrive at your new location. This can help in the event that there is a delay or any overlap on your move.
You can also make the move easier by having each member of the family pack their own suitcase of personal items, much like you would for a trip. These tips, along with the right moving and storage solution, can make your relocation easier to handle. PODS and other portable storage units are also a good option to keep your moving and storage costs low, and make everything far easier to organize as a result.